Quality in Stangeland Maskin
Stangeland Maskin main goal is that all products and services delivered must comply with customer, laws, regulations, applicable standards and own requirements. We actively use our quality assurance system as a tool to ensure compliance with the above requirements. The responsibility for ensuring that the quality and requirements are controlled and followed up is a clear line responsibility in Stangeland Maskin and are described in job descriptions and procedures.
Stangeland Maskin will always ensure that the machinery and equipment park contains a wide range of machines, vehicles and equipment with the necessary capacities and qualities. The equipment shall maintain high standards related to HSE and quality for personnel, work performance and surroundings.
Stangeland Maskin focuses on continuous development and improvement of the company’s products and services. Stangeland Maskin has established vision, values, business concept, strategy and goals to ensure that the company is behaving and developing in a sustainable and forward-looking way.
The company employs highly qualified and motivated employees at all levels. Priority is given to extensive delegation of responsibility and authority to utilize human resources and opportunities at all levels in the organization.
Stangeland Maskin will ensure that vision, quality policy and quality assurance system are understood, complied and maintained at all levels of the organization. Stangeland Maskin will ensure that the entire organization is educated so that this is reflected in practical work execution, expectations, attitudes and behavior.
To motivate individual employees and to make everyone pull in the same direction, Stangeland Maskin emphasize the importance of participation and active reporting with broad information back to the individual employee. It is a goal that each employee should feel a belonging to Stangeland Maskin. Therefore the active work with skills, career and welfare measures to promote good team spirit and to create good collegiate relationships and high well-being.